Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A better world according to Hayden

"You know what would be fun? If you never had to brush your teeth and you were never full. So you can eat and eat and eat all day! And everything was chocolate except for electricity and houses. And phones would be chocolate so if someone was trying to call and you think it is Dad's work then you pick up the phone and instead of talking to them you just go - yum yum yum - and eat it up."


  1. Hayden hit it right on the nose!!!! I nominate Hayden for next President!!!

  2. you should scrapbook that page! the photo is absolutely gorgeous and the text is precious!

  3. Well...I think Hayden can already go to his dad's work and say "YUM YUM YUM"...though it isn't chocolate. Does the chocolate loving come from his mommy or daddy?

  4. Come to GGpa powers house,we have chocolate and lots of love.
