Friday, April 17, 2009

Rockin' Out!

We are all enjoying Wayne's birthday present. It sure makes for good videos.

It took a minute for Tyler to get into it. It's tough when you are trying to read these tiny words across the top of the television screen. He did awesome though!

I love watching Hayden's facial expressions.

Little Miss Genevieve wanted to get in on the action. She thought she was pretty hot stuff with that guitar around her.

Did you laugh at least once? Or were you in complete awe over the Evans' mad music skills?


  1. I'm not sure who was the most cute...Wayne? or Genevieve? Way fun...Don't worry, we'll be over for an FHE soon!

  2. Holy cow, first an amazing fort and now this-- you are the coolest mom to enjoy such reckless and wild fun! Too cool! While I think Genevieve wins the cutest, Wayne's "woo" made the race pretty close! Loved the videos!

  3. Tyler, I applaud your bravery to sing for the camera, you did a great job....and Hayden you made me smile as I watched you beat the drums...genevieve was adorable with the guitar... Wayne, for a man who doesn't dance you sure have the moves... Karen I'm waiting to see you on your blog soon.

  4. Haha...I'm still Wayne. I'm wondering if he has ever even HEARD that song before attempting to sing it. :) Maybe Tyler can give him a lesson or two...haha...That looks like a ton of fun, you guys.
